Merchandise Management

Category Management and Xtreme Rated

(Category management is a retailing and supply management concept in which the range of products purchased by a business organisation or sold by a retailer is broken down into discrete groups of similar or related products; these groups are known as product categories (examples of grocery categories might be: tinned fish, washing detergent, toothpastes). It is a systematic, disciplined approach to managing a product category as a strategic business unit)

Upon entering Xtreme Rated's physical store, you will notice that the goods selection can mainly be broken down into 4 sectors, namely
-Ladies Apparel
-Men’s Apparel
-Biking Equipment
-Point of Sale and Misc

The various sectors are broken down further into various subcategories and are grouped by brand, for example, in the mens section there are racks devoted to men’s T shirts, pants, jeans, caps, and bags. All these racks are kept reasonably separate from each other to provide easy category differentiation yet are not placed far enough to seem like they do not fall under the same common sector described above. 

The racks, while already divided into the further subcategories, are then further divided by their brands, mainly Fox Head & Troy Lee Designs, which allows for customers looking for a certain product from a certain brand to have an easy time in finding what they are looking for.

Xtreme Rated has done a fairly good job of balancing a seemingly informal, usually messy layout with a shopping experience that comes across as cohesive and natural, essentially ensuring cohesion in chaos.

A full list of the categories and their sub-categories are listed below
-          Ladies Apparel
Casual Tops
Casual Dresses
Riding Shorts and Pants
Shorts and Denim

-          Men’s Apparel
Casual Tops
Jackets & Hoodies
Shorts & Board Shorts

-          Biking Equipment
Protective Gear

-          Point of Sale and Misc
Wallets & Belts
Casual Footwear
Miscellaneous Branded Equipment (Bottles, Umbrellas, etc)